Sunday, August 18, 2013

Portable oxygen concentrators My experience only

I have a hate, hate relationship with portable concentrators.
I originally thought it was my provider but it is also any machine
I have tried.  They are very sensative. DO NOT BUY A USED ONE!
If you do you will most likely regret it and end up paying for repairs
Which are horribly expensive IF you can even find someone to do them.

Two machine the provider lent me have had problems and
I have tried to buy four different used SeQuel Eclipse machines,
all of which have turned out to have problems.  I think it is because they sat still,
not being used for an extended time.  Two of them had "dried out"
I was told. Not sure exactly what that means but I was told the repair
cost was about $850.

If you are looking for a portable there are only four or five manufacturers.
Think about how and when you will use it.
I really wanted a very light weight one but none has continuous flow
as of 8/13.  Only the SeQuel Eclipse and Imogen Solo have that and
also go up to a pulse 6 setting.  If you need more oxygen when
you are moving one of these is the machine for you.
They each weigh just under  20 pounds when dragging extra batteries.
The batteries are almost $400 each so if you plan to do ANY plane travel
which involves changing planes you'll probably want the extra batteries.
Buy them when you buy the machine.  It is more economical.

Airlines want 1.5 times the battery life you'll need to get from your starting
point to ending point.  They don't want to hear that you can recharge at layovers.

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