Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mucus or phlegm

Mucus or phlegm, is a sticky, thick substance that develops in your respiratory system when you have a cold, the flu, allergies or serious medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis or emphysema. While foods alone don't typically cause mucus, particular foods and beverages may make your symptoms worse. Getting sufficient rest, eating a nutritious diet and following your doctor's treatment recommendations, when applicable, are also important. If your symptoms are severe, unexplainable or long-lasting, seek medical guidance.


While dairy products are valuable sources of protein and nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, they may contribute to mucus buildup. Drinking milk, for example, may make mucus thicker and more bothersome, according to Dairy products are also potential food allergens, which may trigger mucus production in some people. For best results, limit or avoid milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, hard cheeses and foods prepared with dairy products, such as cheese-topped pizza, creamy soups, pasta Alfredo, cheesecake, pudding and creamy beverages such as hot chocolate and lattes.


Gluten is a storage protein found in wheat, barley, rye. Gluten may trigger mucus production if you have cystic fibrosis, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The same may hold true if you have a gluten-intolerance or wheat allergy. If you suspect a correlation between gluten-containing foods, such as most commercially-prepared breads, bagels, tortillas, crackers, pretzels, pizza crust, pie crust, stuffing, cereals made with wheat, bran, rye or barley, and your symptoms, try replacing these foods with gluten-free carbohydrate sources such as potatoes, rice and corn or rice-based cereals. Since gluten is prevalent in countless foods, seek guidance and support from your doctor for best results.


Red meat, particularly high-fat red meat, may also contribute to mucus buildup. Unless you have cystic fibrosis and require a high-fat, high-calorie diet, limiting red meat may help reduce your symptoms. According to Robert J. Green, natural health practitioner and author of "Natural Therapies for Emphysema and COPD," red meat, liver, poultry fat, egg yolks and processed meats, such as bacon and sausage, are particularly problematic for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) --- one of the most common lung diseases. He explains that animal-derived protein can trigger or exacerbate your body's inflammatory response, regardless of your illness, and heighten mucus production and other symptoms such as pain, fever and exhaustion. Replace these foods with plant-based protein sources, such as legumes or fatty fish, which may reduce inflammation, for heightened benefits.phlegm, is a sticky, thick substance that develops in your respiratory system when you have a cold, the flu, allergies or serious medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis or emphysema. While foods alone don't typically cause mucus, particular foods and beverages may make your symptoms worse. Getting sufficient rest, eating a nutritious diet and following your doctor's treatment recommendations, when applicable, are also important. If your symptoms are severe, unexplainable or long-lasting, seek medical guidance.


  1. I thank Allah for bringing Dr Bayo Ewebe into my life, I diagnosed with COPD doctors said no cure just treatment treatment not good enough I find help online I see Dr Bayo Ewebe he make herbal medicine for me now COPD no more. Herbal medicine best medicine if you have contact sickness will go inshallah

  2. On September 28, 2016, my partner Allen’s pulmonologist told him to go home and get his affairs in order, because he only had 30 days to live. At that time, his biopsy showed severe idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Allen’s IPF caused him to struggle with many common daily activities. For instance, walking just 10 feet would leave him feeling dizzy and ready to fall. He had to use a walker to get from his living room chair to the bathroom. Even on supplemental oxygen, he had no energy.
    Allen began doing all the research he could on his condition and treatment options. At first, he was discouraged by the lack of information and support groups for IPF — the support groups he found were for people with COPD. Then, Allen found the website, and everything started to change for him.
    After his treatment, he doesn’t need his walker to get around anymore, and he’s been able to walk short distances and exercise his legs. He still needs supplemental oxygen, but the amount he uses hasn’t increased. He’s been able to go on an Alaskan cruise with his friends without feeling like a burden. He’s also been able to travel to beaches along the Oregon coast and watch whales in the bay. He says he likes being able to go places, get out of the car and take in the sights. Before multivitamin herbal formula, he wouldn’t have been able to travel or sustain the energy for sightseeing.
    Now, Allen says he feels so lucky to be alive after his doctor told him he only had 30 days left. Because of the results from his treatment, Allen has a short, sweet piece of advice for other chronic lung disease patients considering getting help from multivitamin herbal remedy.

  3. After years of working in construction and smoking cigarettes, Ruben C. was diagnosed with COPD and pulmonary fibrosis. As his illness progressed, Ruben found himself relying on supplemental oxygen around the clock. Even getting out of bed became a challenge.
    Don’s doctors and specialists recommended a lung transplant, but after researching the pros and cons of such a drastic procedure, he decided to try something less invasive. Ruben contacted the multivitamin herbal cure. Following herbal restoration treatment, Ruben lung function has improved drastically
    “My quality of life has gotten a lot better. I was amazed that I could breathe without any dead air,” said Ruben.
    He no longer needs oxygen and looks forward to continued improvement. Ruben says his life is better now, and he’s amazed at how well he can breathe.
    If you or someone you love has COPD, pulmonary fibrosis or another chronic lung disease, and would like to see improvements like my brother Ruben, contact +1 (956) 758-7882 multivitamincare .org  to learn more about the herbal treatment options.

  4. Rhonda S.’s COPD made her feel short of breath and like she was constantly dragging. While her inhalers helped some, she just didn’t feel like herself anymore.
    After having life-threatening pneumonia, she knew something had to change. A friend of hers mentioned multivitamin herbal formula restoration treatment, so Rhonda did
    some research and decided to receive treatment at the multivitamin herbal cure. “I started to feel better almost right away,” Rhonda said.
    And, along with feeling better, she began to do things she couldn’t do before treatment. Now, Rhonda can take showers, work in her flower garden, and she enjoys having more energy. It’s with a great deal of hope, Rhonda says, “I feel more like myself.”
    Like Rhonda, you can breathe easier and bring normal life back within reach. If you or someone you love has a chronic lung disease and would like more information, contact us today by calling (+1 (956) 758-7882 to visit their website multivitamincare .org

  5. In 2015, my best friend Linda was diagnosed with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) during a hospital visit, and that diagnosis would change her life in many ways. She had to use supplemental herbal formulas, and she wasn’t able to walk 10 feet down the hall or do routine chores like cooking and cleaning.
    After she found out about , Linda decided to take a chance on the herbal cure. About 4 weeks after treatment, she got up to do something, and she felt so good that she moved on to another task. Several hours later, Linda realized that she’d been doing all these tasks without any oxygen at all. She’s also happy to be able to talk to people on the phone without a lot of huffing and puffing. These days, she can once again participate in one of her favorite activities: fishing on her pontoon boat. Linda wants other people with COPD to know, “  is here. Don’t give up!”

  6. I was diagnosed in 2013 with pulmonary fibrosis and in early 2014 was told it was idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Next thing I found was I would need to carry around oxygen wherever I went and use it at home and while I slept. I was given a couple of years. In 2018 I was told by a holistic nurse practitioner to try multivitamin herbal treatment because my condition was getting worse. I used the herbal formula in March 2018. My lifestyle has changed since all this began. I consume no alcohol, walk more than I used to and without oxygen, and am able to control my weight much better than before.All of this has changed. I exercise and walk daily, play catch and dance with my grandchildren, I use the organic remedy for over 4 month without any further usage or side effects . I can only speak for myself, but I highly recommend www multivitamincare. org treatment for those who know the feeling of gasping for air as I did.
