Friday, June 13, 2014

A Miracle Machine!!!

On the 28th of May I went to my pulmonologist to see a demo of " a new breathing machine".  No one in the doctors office could tell me what it was but they were all very excited that it was something they thought could help me.

I met with the rep who showed me what he called a non-invasive ventilator.  He told me I'd have to do two 6 minute walk tests.   For anyone with breathing problems, you know this is one of the basic tests that show if you need supplemental oxygen and how much.
I laughed at him.  I can barely shuffle along for 10 feet before collapsing.  
Well, I "walked" for 45 seconds on 8 liters per min. before I had to sit.  My SAT rate went down to the high 70's and it took me about 5 minutes to recover.
He then hooked the ventilator to a small bottle set on 4 liters per min (glad I didn't know that at the time.  I would have paniked.)
I walked.  I walked for 6 minutes!   My SAT rate stayed at 99 to 100!!!  
The machine, which weighs a pound, connects to an oxygen bottle and pushes air into your lungs.  Sort of like a c-pap machine but with "pillowed" cannula, which is wonderfully good looking. But breathing is better than looking good!  It feels very strange but I assume You get used to it.

I don't hit 99 unless I am sitting totally still and quiet.
I am now desperately waiting for insurance approval.   If I can't get it I'll be out on the street begging for $.   This machine is a miracle I need.  I may even be able to go to PT again.  My muscles are so week from not being able to move and breathe at the same time.  
Wish me luck and pray for me please.    Check it out.

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