Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Useful links


Great info about Lupus which often causes lung problems






Patientslikeme.com.    A site to connect with other people with the same illness you are dealing with.


  1. After years of working in construction and smoking cigarettes,I was diagnosed with COPD and pulmonary fibrosis. As my illness progressed, I found myself  relying on supplemental oxygen around the clock. Even getting out of bed became a challenge.My doctors and specialists recommended a lung transplant, but after researching the pros and cons of such a drastic procedure, I decided to try something less invasive. I contacted multivitamin herbal cure cape town for organic natural treatment you can search for them on google. Following the COPD and pulmonary fibrosis herbal treatment procedure , my lung function has improved dramatically after my first four weeks of the herbal formula .My quality of life has gotten a lot better. I was amazed that I could breathe without any dead air. I no longer need oxygen and look forward to continued improvement because a specialist told me already I have a chance of getting rid of my condition totally due to the herbal treatment effectiveness . If you or someone you love has COPD, pulmonary fibrosis or another chronic lung disease, and would like to see improvements like mine they even guarantee me totally cure once the treatment is done , their website multivitamincare org they will put you through on the herbal process .

  2. I was diagnosed in 2013 with pulmonary fibrosis and in early 2014 was told it was idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Next thing I found was I would need to carry around oxygen wherever I went and use it at home and while I slept. I was given a couple of years. In 2018 I was told by a holistic nurse practitioner to try multivitamin herbal treatment because my condition was getting worse. I used the herbal formula in March 2018. My lifestyle has changed since all this began. I consume no alcohol, walk more than I used to and without oxygen, and am able to control my weight much better than before.All of this has changed. I exercise and walk daily, play catch and dance with my grandchildren, I use the organic remedy for over 4 month without any further usage or side effects . I can only speak for myself, but I highly recommend www multivitamincare. org treatment for those who know the feeling of gasping for air as I did.
